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Susan’s Story

Susan’s “night job” was to help her husband Doug with the bookkeeping for a successful retail shop they owned. However, tired of working 60+ hour workweeks, Susan soon came to the exhausted conclusion that their business was running them rather than the other way around.

Seeking help, the couple was referred to Clear Management for a consult and review of their overall financial picture… and the news wasn’t pretty.

Amelia showed Susan and Doug that their credit cards were not only demanding high interest, but they were also maxed out. Additionally, their Point of Sale system was substantially outdated, resulting in inaccurate and late sales tax filings, which was costing the couple thousands in penalties and late fees.

Clear Management jumped in to help, first by consolidating and managing the couple’s business debt. Then, a new Point of Sale system was configured and implemented, which straightened out the sales tax issues, saving Susan and Doug from all those penalties and late fees. Finally, Clear Management designed and implemented effective cash management systems that helped their retail shop get out of debt, stabilize its cash flow, and even purchase a building to house their business.

Finally able to quit her “night job,” Susan’s work/life balance was restored and commented, “It’s great to have the dog wagging their tail again.”

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